Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fall Festival

Dad: Our kids have been going on and on for weeks about the Fall Festival. This is something that the school puts on to raise funds. I was surprised to discover that they put on a full blown carnival right at the the fall. The weather was great. Poor McKay really wanted to do things but he is too small. I took him through an inflatable caterpillar and it terrified him.

The girls did a cakewalk and I wanted them to win. (I still remember when I was in elementary school and a kid pushed me off my spot when the music stopped and that was the winning spot. Oh well.) After $4.00 worth of trying with the girls we still had no cake. I would have been better off to buy a cake. At least we supported the school.

1 comment:

Jen and Beth said...

Wow! The girls are so big. Gabi looks just like you Danielle! You guys look like you are enjoying yourselves in AZ.